Let Go and Let God

Sometimes we feel like nothing is working

Like things are hard to fix on our own

We feel like giving up

Nothing will ever come easy

We need to strive to make ends meet

People might despise you

Make you feel worthless

But believing that God is there with us comforts

That peaceful feeling you get when you pray

When you cry out to him and let him know

Make him aware of everything that troubles us

People will find you but they do not define you

People will find you and they will help redefine you

Peer pressure can gut you off

It can make you feel like you are not worth who you are

It will make you have two lives

One that is the real you and another that helps you ‘fit in’

Letting go off things and surrendering them to Christ,

Builds you as an individual

God’s blessings will delay,, they will take time

Patience will always pay

Being curved into prayer beings out the glow in you

You need to let go and let God.

*Mandy Mercy Mwende*

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